小花的坚强 是风吹雨打也不倒 ✿
自觉我的修图技术越来越好,自拍技术越来越 (唔..) ☛☚
Went to TT night yesterday with my W-H-I-T-E outfit. Emm.. a little bit too white maybe haha.
And was so freaking -DAMN AWKWARD- wearing formal short dress took taxi to college and walked around while everyone just finished their class with casual wear and the taxi uncle tanya banyak banyak. Hahaha i just not used to be lol.
But when the moment we reached college hall, okay, everyone wore as formal as us or maybe more FORMAL hahaha actually the dress code was smart casual but i don't know why everyone wore like fashion show//
Anyway, we were not 异类 that day, that's better yay ✌
Back to this place, this show, this stage. 熟悉的陌生
Talentime Night for the others maybe just an event or a stage for finalist to showcase their talent or a chance to wear pretty pretty? But for me, emm yay something different.
Last year because of this event cause something changed in my life.
I know the ex-finalist, ex-emcee become my friend, in a relationship(ed) with a guy who related to TT's family. Changed start from that day, people around me~ things happen on me~ and bla bla bla. One year past, was a memories.
My partner of the day, pretty girl !
Okay, she gonna fly when she saw it. Hahaha
She will be very active on joining every event this year because she say is the last year of diploma. She needs my accompany that means i'm gonna go every event again this year x2 except OO night (唔..)
GOOD JOB Lucas and RT!
Most funny emcee and very successful on entertaining the audience :)
I admire MC Derrick also, the 2011's emcee finalist if not wrong.
Very enjoy ourselves on watching all the performances from finalist. I may feel that this year is much better that last year's TT, i mean the show lar~
But yay, every finalists and helpers had put all effort to this show, their effort, passion and talent cause the show perform smoothly and completely!
TT ROCK! ☺:)
Had transportation problem while going back HAHAHA
we just like 去到再打算囖~ 有的啦~ 搭德士囖~ 德士你要就有啊? hahah
Last year, my friend fetched me back, we laughed on those who wearing dress,high heels but waiting bus to back home. And this year, i was the one lol! Hahaha laugh on me please!
She was trying to contact some of her friends and asked me to do so lol. 要帮忙又怕麻烦别人 Actually i can just took rapid KL back wangsa, left her there HAHAHAHA.
Anyway, thanks for her friends helped us to call taxi. AWESOME NIGHT yay☻