

Monday, June 30, 2014

Girl with ink.

接著就是'如果我做了呢?' 只要不是很嚴重的,基本上我都會做 
 好, 就是任性。
- So, I'm a girl with ink now -

認真有想tattoo的念頭大概一年,可是從來因為膽子小 所以只是個念頭不會實行 
上個月開始其實就有 '一定要去做!' 的這個想法哈哈哈哈我沒有衝動, 我已經有planning了其實,只是沒說weee

預約了tattoo師傅,去之前還走錯了別間tattoo店裡頭都是全身紋身的人在告訴我我去錯地方  好吧 好吧~ 丟臉丟到家了 

Not sure how people look at people with tattoo, but yay i just do what i want.

好啦好啦 我知道我的course不准许染发
好啦好啦 我知道我的course不准许纹身

我知道我知道啊,所以我都会劝大家不 - 要 - 去 - 纹!(..没有说服力)

我吃了狍子胆 其实我好不喜欢这样被束缚的生活
i means, 我不是小学生

oopps 其实也过得去吧 (..hahaha) 



這是我今天聽到最多的疑問emm 對我來說其實真的沒有我想像的那麼痛,對我來說接下來就是tattoo的後期保養  因為它現在還沒有很漂釀的說

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Rock Talentime'14 night ✌

 小花的坚强 是风吹雨打也不倒 ✿ 

自觉我的修图技术越来越好,自拍技术越来越 (唔..) ☛☚

Went to TT night yesterday with my W-H-I-T-E outfit. Emm.. a little bit too white maybe haha.
And was so freaking -DAMN AWKWARD- wearing formal short dress took taxi to college and walked around while everyone just finished their class with casual wear and the taxi uncle tanya banyak banyak. Hahaha i just not used to be lol. 
But when the moment we reached college hall, okay, everyone wore as formal as us or maybe more FORMAL hahaha actually the dress code was smart casual but i don't know why everyone wore like fashion show// 

Anyway, we were not 异类 that day, that's better yay

Back to this place, this show, this stage.       熟悉的陌生
Talentime Night for the others maybe just an event or a stage for finalist to showcase their talent or a chance to wear pretty pretty? But for me, emm yay something different. 
Last year because of this event cause something changed in my life. 
I know the ex-finalist, ex-emcee become my friend, in a relationship(ed) with a guy who related to TT's family. Changed start from that day, people around me~ things happen on me~ and bla bla bla. One year past, was a memories.

My partner of the day, pretty girl !
Okay, she gonna fly when she saw it. Hahaha
She will be very active on joining every event this year because she say is the last year of diploma. She needs my accompany that means i'm gonna go every event again this year x2 except OO night (唔..)

GOOD JOB Lucas and RT!
Most funny emcee and very successful on entertaining the audience :)
I admire MC Derrick also, the 2011's emcee finalist if not wrong.

Very enjoy ourselves on watching all the performances from finalist. I may feel that this year is much better that last year's TT, i mean the show lar~
But yay, every finalists and helpers had put all effort to this show, their effort, passion and talent cause the show perform smoothly and completely! 

TT ROCK! ☺:)

 Had transportation problem while going back HAHAHA
we just like 去到再打算囖~ 有的啦~ 搭德士囖~ 德士你要就有啊? hahah
Last year, my friend fetched me back, we laughed on those who wearing dress,high heels but waiting bus to back home. And this year, i was the one lol! Hahaha laugh on me please!

She was trying to contact some of her friends and asked me to do so lol. 要帮忙又怕麻烦别人 Actually i can just took rapid KL back wangsa, left her there HAHAHAHA.

Anyway, thanks for her friends helped us to call taxi. AWESOME NIGHT yay

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Hop Hop Rabbit Cafe.

Had a very good time spent last weekend.  
Went to Hop Hop Cafe with sis last Saturday. Actually supposed to go on earlier weekend, but because of just recovered from sickness, we worried that there are bacteria from rabbit cause me sick again so postponed! Hahahaha

Was reading Day! 
Nice environment, nice ambiance, just that there were a strong smell once we step in, not sure what smell was that. Maybe from the bunnies? We did not had the chance to try their meals since by the time we went, their kitchen was close and preparing for dinner hour. So we just ordered a Fish Tortilla and Red Velvet Cake.

Should requested for bunny coffee art! hahahaha
The moment when we reached Hop Hop was full house. Their business was better than what i thought, crowded with people. We actually waited for 10 minutes for seat. 

See these bunnies! 



There are some terms and regulations that you should follow before you go into the bunnies area.
I think i shouted 'AWWWWW why you are so cute' around 10 times! HAHAHA just tak boleh tahan lar, why you are so cute? After left Hop Hop, what i did was just review back all the photos i had taken, awwww why you are so cute?! x3245498678

照片:一個我想吃甚麽她带我吃, 她想吃甚麽我陪她吃, 然後傻傻在kl拿着gps走的姐姐, 超好!

Went to had Dakgalbi on the next day. SO FULL AND SATISFIED! Total cost RM66 include large bottle of green tea for 2 persons/
Was the first time we went, we just follow the gps in my phone and walked from sungei wang hahahah. Quite near actually. Just take 7 minutes from there if you know where is it locate :) Oh! not to forget praise their service, EXCELLENT although their waiters are foreigner.

 Embedded image permalink 

Watched KL fashion week's show last Friday. Everyone's outfit were so A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. Although i'm not in this industry but it affected me and brought me inspiration also. 
It also make me think about him, since the last time i went fashion show was his graduation show. Missing? not sure about that.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014


上了中学我喜欢看建筑物大楼,高的矮的 挂着的海报;
上了大学我喜欢看着蓝蓝的天空,自由放松的感觉 。

 好久没来更新自己的部落格,就算没有follower, 罪孽感也好深

好难熬 好辛苦,也让我更深刻的感受到自己是多幸福的小孩
课也差不多缺席了一个星期,只有星期五去客串个几小时 哈哈
thanks god i'm healthy now :)




大口吃饭, 或许就是我最开心的时候了


Sunday, June 1, 2014


把这里荒废了一个月我又回来了,最近好勤更新Dayre,真的好方便的apps,可是总觉得那里很轻浮很轻易的我写的东西会不见,毕竟是apps比不上自己的部落格浩,hahaha i say finish! #directtranslate

开学一个月多了,忙碌开心的生活,开学后找回潇洒一个人冲冲忙忙的生活,不再每天无所事事看时间过,有时候也许只需要多一点时间一切都会变得不一样,但是时间不饶人嘛 要走的就随它走吧。

you mess it up, you clean it up. I clean it up.

这个周末过了好不一样,星期五从早上八点精神奕奕在半夜两点,大家一起玩一起吃一起睡。半年吧、这些画面消失了半年。感谢我们的driver, 一直不停的载我们 油钱ticket钱toll钱都burn掉了 谢谢谢谢谢谢 这次的肉骨茶不合大家胃口哈哈 下次等我载你们去玩吧!

setia city放风筝吹泡泡 → 吧生吃bakkutteh → Murni吃supper → Onecity看夜景 → 
oh scooter → setiawalk趴趴走 →loklok街吃晚餐 = 2days 1night


the only thing change me after single is the habit of drinking alcohol.

有人说失恋后的人最想要酒精 我曾经也这样觉得
可是这次却一点都不想 就算是踏进pub了也不会点,只想要咖啡

干嘛麻醉 我只需要清醒:)